Parent Your Toddler Without Losing Your Sanity Or Feeling Like A Bad Mom

We as moms know that we need to love our kids – that’s a non-negotiable. What most moms don’t understand is HOW to adequately show love to their child, especially a testy toddler. In the video below, I explain the one key to loving your toddler adequately, which radically impacts their behavior and your relationship, resulting in a deeply fulfilling motherhood journey.


It’s A Journey

Have you ever felt like a bad mom?

Here’s why you cannot be a bad mom. If you are self aware enough to consider that you might be wrong in some things, that enough is proof that you are not a bad mom, just lacking in some skillsets.

This lack of skill in any particular area often stems from our childhood experiences. If you never had proper guidance in a particular area, then you are going to be lacking in that area and will find it hard to guide your child until you patch that hole.

All of us mom’s are basically on a journey to become the grounded, warm-hearted moms we dreamt we would be. Every mom has the capacity to be the best mom to their kids. The trick is in how fast you uplevel your skills as a mom. I’ve met moms nursing regret about how they showed up as moms and others who are glad they rose to the challenge with resolve and commitment and were rewarded with a fulfilling motherhood legacy.

Below are the milestones I have discovered on the motherhood journey.

I personally started out somewhere between hardcore mom and struggling mom.


This mom has nothing to offer her kids.

SYMPTOMS: Her kids are wild and feral or completely withdrawn.


This mom is ideological and meets her kids needs haphazardly.

She’s focused on rigid ideas and not the reality of her interaction with her kids.

Her view is that kids are…, kids should be…, kids should not…end of story. No more discussion.

OUTCOME: Her kids are weak and subservient or bullies.


This mom is striving to be a good mom but often feels like she is doing something wrong and is not sure what exactly is the right way to do things.

Her kids feel and see her love but something is missing, they feel accepted but also feel invalidated and misunderstood.

SYMPTOMS: Her kids tend to tantrum and boundary test a lot. They also show some disruptiveness.


This mom is very aware of her child’s critical but non obvious needs and does a good job of meeting most of them. However, she is missing one important piece.

SYMPTOMS: Her kids are happy for the most part but never focus on any one thing for long. They are constantly on the move seemingly in search of something.


This mom understands and meets all of her kid’s critical but non obvious needs. She is fully in her power and authority and her kids pick up on it.

OUTCOME: Her kids are happy, confident and empowered. They are purposeful in their actions and are just inspiring to interact with.

What If You Could Change The World?

What if I told you that right now YOU as a toddler mom have the power to change the world and not just directly but indirectly too? Angel Moms do just that! Well let me explain how. Hurt people hurt people – knowingly or unknowingly – due to insecurity. Unfortunately a lot of times the most impactful hurt happens during the early years as a result of uninformed parenting. This results in kids with unmet needs who either go on to hurt others or become a sponge for hurt.

The opposite of hurt and insecurity is greatness. What is greatness? It’s being a force to be reckoned with no matter how humble or exalted your calling may be. So YOU mama have the power to add greatness to the world through your motherhood legacy and you know it. All you need is to step into your Angel Mom era!

Hi, I’m Jane Henriques, a former cancer researcher turned corporate finance analyst and now a toddler mom coach. I never planned on becoming a mom coach. I was once an ordinary person just looking to live my life.

But then life happened! I had a child with autism which sent me on a journey to try to find out how to be a good mom in the face of parenting challenges and drama. By the time my youngest neurotypical son was a toddler, I was ready to retire from motherhood if I didn’t get answers quick.

I yearned to be a good mom – the best mom – but I kept getting triggered by my kids and I didn’t like how I handled things.

I actually remember one time reading the word of the day at the little screens in the elevators at work. It defined the word ‘defenestrate’ as throwing something out the window and I immediately ranted to a friend that sometimes I felt like defenestrating my toddler (don’t judge).

Thank God for my research skills. I basically left no stone unturned in my quest for solutions. The miracle is that I found the answers: I discovered myself and the laws that govern toddler behavior and motivation.

Einstein once said:

“God does not play dice with the universe.”

Meaning there is a system or laws for everything.

I say,

“God is a God of order.”

He baked laws and standards into the universe that cannot be compromised. Just think of the fact that the wages of sin is death and that’s why Jesus had to die in spite of pleading for rescue from a heavenly father who could have saved him.

Let’s Change The World

You are not here by accident. You might have been in need of inspiration and this page gave you just that and now you can go on your merry way ready to step into being the mom you always dreamed of – with renewed vigor and vision. Or you might have found a glimmer of hope in the midst of despair and would like to learn more.

If you are the former – I am really blessed to have been of service. If you are the latter and would like to learn more, then I invite you to book a free call by clicking the button below and let’s talk.

My Work

I help toddler moms become thriving Angel Moms. I help them master themselves and gain clarity so that they can do toddler parenting right and get to enjoy a fulfilling motherhood experience and establish a great legacy.

Through my Angel Mom Protocol, I help moms to stop running on will power and instead operate from a place of wisdom. I help them understand why their toddlers act the way they do and coach them so that the solution is immediately clear when facing any particular challenge. No more mom guilt!

I help moms shift from chaos to calm. One mom I helped, was having a particularly had time with her toddler not wanting to brush or have his teeth brushed. She was at her wits end about this one.

From my coaching and protocols not only was she able to get her toddler to agree to teeth brushing, but the toddler actually took ownership of the process and became the one to enthusiastically remind his mom that it was time to brush teeth.


What Mom’s Have Had To Say

Comments about some of my methods and protocols.


“I’m really excited about this one because I’ve been seeing some things unlock for [my child] recently”


“My kids need SO much of all of these”


Parent With Clarity And Conviction

A lot of toddler moms parent from a place of fear – if I don’t do abc my kid will turn out xyz. If that’s you, my message to you is that there is a better way and you are an ANGEL MOM waiting to be revealed. Let’s talk.